Prisoner confinement out-of-state: contracting requirements re proximity, inmate services, and staff qualifications [Sec. 377db-df] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Prisoner copayments for medical and dental care: Corr.Dept to promulgate emergency rules; appropriation revised [Sec. 9111 (3), 9211 (22)] -
Act 109
Prisoner copayments for medical or dental care: requirements revised [Sec. 3388, 9311 (3)] -
Act 16
Stanley correctional facility carrying costs [Sec. 9111 (6q)] -
Act 16
Stanley Correctional Institution opening delay: specific reductions in funding and positions [Sec. 9211 (11f), (13vo), (15vo), (17vo), (18vo)] -
Act 109
Stanley prison lease and report [Sec. 9111 (5gk)] -
Act 16
Supermax facility conversion to include maximum security beds: study provided [Sec. 9111 (4q)] [vetoed]
Jr2 AB-1
Building acquisition, lease, or construction re correctional facilities restricted [Sec. 108b, c, e, 994d, 3337m]
Act 16
Correctional institutions: new medium security facilities established at Redgranite and New Lisbon; facility located near Black River Falls named ``Jackson Correctional Institution" [Sec. 3353m, 3336, 3337] -
Act 16
Probation and parole facility in north central Wisconsin: Corr. Dept to study feasibility of constructing [Sec. 9111 (3d)] -
Act 16
Private businesses employing inmates: number reduced [Sec. 3389g] -
Act 16
Secure work program for inmates: Corr.Dept authority eliminated [Sec. 421, 428, 9211 (1), 9411 (2)] [421, 428, 9411 (2) — vetoed] -
Act 109
Credit card information on receipts: nondisclosure required [Sec. 313g] -
Act 109
Depiction of nudity without subject's consent: prohibition against making, possessing, distributing, or exhibiting revised; civil cause of action provision -
Act 33
Disadvantaged business enterprises: confidentiality of bidder information [Sec. 2296] -
Act 16
Domestic violence laws revised and expanded, includes provisions re caregivers, confidentiality, advocate-victim privilege, and injunctions [Sec. 274m, 514c-s, 519mb-mz, 523c-m, 657b-661b, 874x, 875b, 877g, 9309 (2zy), (2zz)]
Act 109
Internet sites maintained by state authorities: collection of personally identifiable information prohibited [Sec. 389e, m] -
Act 16
Newborn child relinquished by parent to law enforcement officer, EMT, or hospital staff member: procedures created; anonymity, juvenile court authority, and civil or criminal liability provisions -
Act 2
Personal information release by DNR [Sec. 1066e-x] -
Act 16
Prisoner access to personal information re data entry or telemarketing services prohibited in Corr.Dept contracts; disclosure requirements re telephone solicitation and toll-free numbers [Sec. 2826m, p, 2981m-s, 3325q, 9311 (7k)] [3325q, 9311 (7k) — vetoed] -
Act 16
Vital records on-line electronic filing system: DHFS secretary to appoint committee to develop guidelines, study methods of other states to protect privacy, and recommend fee changes to fund [Sec. 9123 (8kk)] -
Act 16
Brownfields grant program: recipient may not use to pay EPA or DNR liens, or to pay delinquent real estate taxes [Sec. 3630] -
Act 16
Community programs and services: revenue limit increase [Sec. 2789m, 2791m, 2798f, 9340 (11x)] -
Act 16
Digital broadcasting equipment: personal property tax exemption for [Sec. 2112m, 9344 (10w)] -
Act 16
Kickapoo valley reserve appropriation for payments in lieu of taxes; new GPR funding for information technology; Indian gaming revenues use to provide law enforcement services; report re generating revenues and resubmitting building plans [Sec. 631r-632g, 881r, 1263h, 1404f] [632g, 1263h, 1404f — vetoed] -
Act 16
Lottery and gaming property tax credit application process revised [Sec. 933j, 2294ec-eh, 9144 (4p), 9344 (2p)]
Act 16
Manufacturing property tax assessment [Sec. 2120-2130, 2209, 2213, 2218, 9344 (3), (4)] -
Act 16
Municipal lottery credit payment corrections [Sec. 933, 2292-2294] -
Act 16
Premier resort area threshold exemption re city of Eagle River [Sec. 2049h, i] -
Act 16
Revenue limits for school districts: penalty for exceeding [Sec. 2799] -
Act 16
Swampland or wasteland: definition for property tax purposes [Sec. 2114m, 9344 (28v)] [vetoed] -
Tax stabilization fund: Milwaukee county may establish [Sec. 2002r-t] -
Act 16
TID application deadline extended in certain case -
Act 5
TID creation by city re public notice deficiencies: DOR must proceed in certain cases -
Act 11
TID district for certain village [Sec. 2029ss] -
Act 16
Agricultural land definition revised for property tax purposes; penalty for converting revised [Sec. 156b-e, 233ab, ad, 9144 (1m), 9344 (1m)] [156b, d, 9344 (1m) — partial veto; 156e, 9144 (1m) — vetoed] -
Act 109
Manufacturing property tax assessment [Sec. 2120-2130, 2209, 2213, 2218, 9344 (3), (4)] -
Act 16
Palpable errors in the assessment roll: correction of [Sec. 2119, 2226, 9344 (14)] -
Act 16
Public utility holding company providing services to a light, heat, and power company: tax assessment provision [Sec. 2103, 2111, 2112, 2234, 3749, 9344 (27), (28)]
Act 16
Railroad repair facility: property tax assessment of [Sec. 2231m, 2232d, m, 9344 (12e)] -
Act 16
Stewardship property: independent appraisals in certain cases; persons who receive copies [Sec. 1035g, m] [1035g — vetoed] -
Act 16
Telephone company property: tax assessment revision [Sec. 2113, 2114, 2243, 9344 (5)] -
Act 16
Air carrier hub facility property tax exemption; Airport financing committee created, report required; ad valorem tax determination [Sec. 937m, 1123m, 2110, 2231, 2236m, 2255, 9152 (3), 9344 (12)] -
Act 16
Business improvement district laws revised re tax-exempt parcels -
Act 85
Cash registers and fax machines: property tax exemption for; state aid provisions [Sec. 931m, 1375d, 2108s, 2114p-s, 2130b, 2207m, 2231n, 2255m, 2291m-p, 2764L, 9344 (17f), 9444 (3f)] -
Act 16
Computer property tax exemption: ATMs and computer software excluded [Sec. 2108q, 9344 (23k), (28b)] [2108q — partial veto; 9344 (23k) — vetoed]
Act 16
Digital broadcasting equipment: personal property tax exemption for [Sec. 2112m, 9344 (10w)] -
Act 16
Property tax exemption report filed by church or religious association re certain land annexed by city of La Crosse: deadline modified -
Act 32
Property tax exemptions for certain property owned by the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. [Sec. 2103g, k, 9344 (28w)]
Act 16
Waste treatment equipment: application revision re property and income tax deductions [Sec. 2104-2108, 2144, 2201, 2202, 9344 (6)] -
Act 16
Social worker, marriage and family therapists, professional counselor, and art, music, and dance therapist: regulations revised -
Act 80
Community aids and state public assistance: DHFS and DWD funding revisions [Sec. 41, 9223 (16), (17), 9258 (10), (11)] -
Act 109
Community youth grant to Wisconsin chapters of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America: appropriation increased [Sec. 119k, 1160q, 9258 (13c)] -
Act 109
General relief for counties other than Milwaukee county: reimbursement formula [Sec. 1656d-dL] -
Act 16
Public assistance revisions re child care, TANF, community reinvestment, MA, community aids, and other allocations [Sec. 255p, 390d, 732d, m, 737e, 741, 742, 760r, 961r, 1484m, 1494m- 1495m, 1553t, 1554d, 1559t, 1560d, 1568m, 1574p, 1656trg-trs, tym, 1659g, 1660b, 1661b, 1664, 1676n, 1679b-1714, 1715-1718x, 1730f, 1838u, 1971p, r, 2074, 4046g, 4060d, 9158 (8x), (8y), 9258 (2w), 9458 (1), (2w)] [961r, 1700b, 1716m, 9158 (8x) — partial veto; 255p, 1716o-v, 1718 — vetoed] -
Act 16
Social worker, marriage and family therapists, professional counselor, and art, music, and dance therapist: regulations revised -
Act 80
Substance abuse grants for services to TANF-eligible persons throughout the state; unencumbered moneys transferred to DWD for W-2 and other assistance programs [Sec. 725]
Act 16
TANF assistance from DWD: expiration date eliminated [Sec. 912, 4045, 4046, 4060, 9121 (1)] -
Act 16
TANF funding transfer [Sec. 64g, 9258 (14d)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
TANF temporary transfer for earned income tax credit [Sec. 119m, 9258 (12q), 9259 (9q)] -
Act 109
Building projects proposed for enumeration: DOA to provide anticipated operating costs and other information [Sec. 104m, 227m] [vetoed] -
Horse boarding and training facilities exempt from public building codes in certain cases [Sec. 2446r-2447db, 9410 (3z)] -
Act 16
Horse boarding and training facilities re 2001 WisAct 16 revised [Sec. 267m, q] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Local exposition district taxes retained for administrative purposes: amount revised [Sec. 917, 934]
Act 16
Residual state property: sale of [Sec. 107m-pm, 983m, mn, 2307jn, jp, 9459 (5s)] [vetoed] -
State building program: DOA to provide JCF with Building commission's recommendations re revision of enumerated projects [Sec. 9101 (20z)] [vetoed] -
Appropriations for transcripts, discovery, and interpreters [Sec. 915, 916, 4003] -
Act 16
GPR appropriation for program administration: board funding decreased [Sec. 9239 (1)] -
Act 109
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